This awareness campaign is initiated and funded by Gedeon Richter UK.

Hormonal Options

A group of women talking

There are many different types of menopause treatments and management strategies, including both hormonal and non-hormonal options.

Hormone Replacement Therapy, commonly known as HRT, is a treatment that replaces the hormones which fall to low levels as you approach and reach menopause.1 It can be taken in two ways: systemically, affecting the whole body, or locally, targeting specific areas.

Systemic HRT is a type of hormone therapy that delivers hormones throughout the entire body, via the bloodstream. Systemic oestrogen-only HRT can be taken in the form of pills or transdermally through the skin in the form of patches, sprays or gels. Systemic progestogen-only HRT can be taken in the form of pills, transdermally via a gel or via the Mirena® coil*, which is inserted into the uterus.

There are different types of systemic HRT2:

Local HRT is a type of hormone therapy that delivers hormones directly to a specific area, usually the vagina.8

Often prescribed in a much lower dosage than systemic HRT, it can be used on specific symptoms in the area where you apply it.8 Local HRT does not help other symptoms like hot flushes, or protect against many longer-term effects of menopause, such as osteoporosis.8

There are many different types and doses of HRT available.

It’s important to speak with your healthcare professional to understand the most suitable option for you, based on your medical history, lifestyle and preferences.

Want to discuss menopause with your healthcare professional but don’t know where to start?